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The Natural Hazards Partnership: A public-sector collaboration across the UK for natural hazard disaster risk reductionJournal ArticleAn introduction to the Natural Hazards Partnership, its organisation and activities. The paper includes a discussion on the benefits and challenges of public sector collaborative partnerships using the NHP as a case study.Hemingway, R. and Gunawan, O. (2018) The Natural Hazards Partnership: A public-sector collaboration across the UK for natural hazard disaster risk reduction, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 27, pages 499-511.
The Hazard Impact Framework 1st EditionReportGuidelines for a common and consistent approach for building hazard impact models based on NHP experience.
The Hazard Impact Framework factsheet March 2017SpreadsheetGuidelines for a common and consistent approach for building hazard impact models based on NHP experience. This factsheet accompanies the main HIF guidelines report
Daily Hazard Assessment GuidanceReportGuidelines for the use and interpretation of the Daily Hazard Awareness early warning advice.
The Natural Hazards Partnership Operating PlanReportOur Operating Plan, which details the future goals of the Natural Hazards Partnership and the objectives and tasks required to achieve those goals.
WMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning ServicesReportWMO Guidelines on Multi-hazard Impact-based Forecast and Warning Services
Real-time forecasts of flood hazard and impact: some UK experiencesConference paperReal-time forecasts of flood hazard and impact: some UK experiences. Presented at Floodrisk 2016, Lyon.Cole, S. J., Moore, R. J., Wells, S. C. & Mattingley, P. S. (2016) Real-time forecasts of flood hazard and impact: some UK experiences. FLOODrisk 2016, 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management, E3S Web of Conferences, 7, 18015, 11pp. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20160718015.
A surface water flooding impact library for flood risk assessmentConference paperPaper presenting the impact library used in the surface water flooding hazard impact model. Presented at Floodrisk 2016, Lyon.Aldridge, T., Gunawan, O., Moore, R. J., Cole, S. J. & Price, D. (2016) A surface water flooding impact library for flood risk assessment. FLOODrisk 2016, 3rd European Conference on Flood Risk Management, E3S Web of Conferences. 7, 18006, 10pp. doi: 10.1051/e3sconf/20160718006
Observing the Earth. Expert views on environmental observation for the UKReportRoyal Society report providing an overview of environmental observation in the UKSweeting, M, O'Neill, A, Remedios, J, Golding, B, Lewis, A, Srokosz, M, Bryden, H, Lamb, A, Balzter, H, Smith, G et al (2015)Observing the Earth – Expert views on environmental observation of the UK, Royal Society Report.
Disaster Loss Data Management in ScotlandReportA review of national and international disaster loss data management using Scotland as a case studyGunawan, O. and Aldridge, T. (2018) Disaster Loss Data Management in Scotland. Technical Report DMS/2018/01 for the Scottish National Centre for Resilience, Research Contractor: Health & Safety Executive.
A Workshop Focussing on Communication of Hazard Assessment Information; Summary of DiscussionsReportSummary of an National Centre for Resilience workshop which reviewed stakeholder awareness of our early warning tool - the Daily Hazard AssessmentFreeborough, K., Dashwood, C., Reeves, H., and Arnhardt, C. (2018). A Workshop Focussing on Communication of Hazard Assessment Information; Summary of Discussions. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/18/014. 21 pp.
Text mining of Scottish post-emergency and training exercise debrief reportsReportA demonstration of text mining analysis, using post-emergency debrief reports from across Scotland. Useful impact information is extracted and mapped. Key words and their associations are identified and underlying trends in attitudes and feelings are revealed.Gunawan, O. and Aldridge, T. (2018) Text mining of Scottish post-emergency and training exercise debrief reports. Technical Report DMS/2018/04 for the Scottish National Centre for Resilience, Research Contractor: Health & Safety Executive.
A Workshop Focussing on Communication of Hazard Assessment Information; Summary of DiscussionsReportSummary of an National Centre for Resilience workshop which reviewed stakeholder awareness of our early warning tool - the Daily Hazard AssessmentFreeborough, K., Dashwood, C., Reeves, H., and Arnhardt, C. (2018). A Workshop Focussing on Communication of Hazard Assessment Information; Summary of Discussions. British Geological Survey Internal Report, OR/18/014. 21 pp.
Natural Hazards Partnership Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Final reportReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Final report (pluvial / flash flooding)Cole, S., Moore, R., Aldridge, T., Gunawan, O., Balmforth, H., Hunter, N., Mooney, J., Lee, D., Fenwick, K., Price, D. and Demeritt, D. (2016) Natural Hazards Partnership Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Phase 2 Final Report.
Surface Water Flooding Validation Case Study Selection SummaryReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Identifying 2016 case studies for validation. (pluvial / flash flooding)Flood Forecasting Centre (2015) Case Study Selection – Summary. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Phase 2 Project Note, 8pp.
Learning from Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth games Surface Water Flooding TrialReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Review of Glasgow Commonwealth games Surface water flooding pilot study. (pluvial / flash flooding)Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (2015) D2.4: Learning from Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games SWF Trial. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Phase 2 Project Note, 8pp.
Linking G2G to JFlow Inundation Model: SWF Hazard Footprint. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Phase 2 Report to the Flood Forecasting CentreReportA comparison of the centre of Ecology & Hydrology's surface runoff grids against detailed 2D hydraulic models. (pluvial / flash flooding)Warren, S., Hunter, N. and Revilla-Romero, B. (2016) Linking G2G to JFlow Inundation Model: SWF Hazard Footprint. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Phase 2 Report to the Flood Forecasting Centre, Research Contractor: JBA, 72pp.
Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Impact Library refinement and testing: Phase 2 reportReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Calibration and assessment of sensitivities in the impact library. (pluvial / flash flooding)Gunawan, O. and Aldridge, T. (2016) Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Impact Library refinement and testing: Phase 2 Report. Technical Report MSU/2016/20 for the Flood Forecasting Centre, Research Contractor: Health & Safety Laboratory, 35pp.
Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Model ValidationReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Model validation using observed case study data. (pluvial / flash flooding)Aldridge, T. and Gunawan, O. (2016) Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Model Validation. Technical Report MSU/2016/17 for the Flood Forecasting Centre, Research Contractor: Health & Safety Laboratory, 91pp.
Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: uFMfSW AssessmentReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Assessing the Updated flood maps for surface water for use in the Surface Water Flooding hazard Impact Model (pluvial / flash flooding)Gunawan, O. and Aldridge, T. (2016) Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: uFMfSW Assessment. Technical Report MSU/2016/22 for the Flood Forecasting Centre, Research Contractor: Health & Safety Laboratory, 29pp.
Methodology Note of Impact Scoring: Using Newspapers as a Source of Data to Access Flood ImpactsReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Using press articles to identify impact and consequence information in a surface water flood event. (pluvial / flash flooding)Escobar, M.P., Vinogradova, M. and Demeritt, D (2016) Using newspapers as a source of data to assess flood impacts: methodology note. Department of Geography, King’s College London.
User Specification of the Visualisation of the Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model ReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Detailing Flood Forecasting Centre user requirements for the surface water flood hazard impact model. (pluvial / flash flooding)Flood Forecasting Centre (2015) User specification for the visualisation of the Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model – Phase 2 Project Note, 8pp
Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model: Project Note: Structure and Configuration of End-to-End Trial SystemReportThe surface water flooding hazard impact model. Detail of the surface water flooding hazard impact model trial system from live-feed rainfall data to county-level risk data. (pluvial / flash flooding)Mooney, J. and Lane, A. (2016) Structure and configuration of end-to-end trial system. Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model Project Note, Met Office, Exeter, UK, 10pp
Air pollution Science notesScience notesDetailed information - air pollution
Drought Science notesScience notesDetailed information - drought
Seismic Geohazard Science notesScience notesDetailed information - seismic / earthquake
Inland flooding Science notesScience notesDetailed information - fluvial or river flooding
Groundwater Geohazard Science notesScience notesDetailed information - groundwater flooding
Snow and Ice Science notesScience notesDetailed information - snow and ice
Landslides Geohazard Science notesScience notesDetailed information - landslides
Geomagnetism Geohazard Science notesScience notesDetailed information - space weather / solar flares
Surface Water Flooding Science notesScience notesDetailed information - surface water flooding (pluvial / flash flooding)
Volcanic Geohazard Science notesScience notesDetailed information - volcanic hazards
Wildfire Science notesScience notesDetailed information - wildfire
High Winds Science notesScience notesDetailed information - high wind / storm
Air pollution overviewInformationInformation leaflet - air pollution
Fog hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - fog
Ice hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - ice
Near Earth Objects hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - near earth objects and space object re-entry
Space Object Re-entry hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - near earth objects and space object re-entry
Surface Water Flooding hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - surface water flooding (pluvial / flash flooding)
Tsunami hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - tsunami
Volcanic Ash hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - volcanic ash
Volcanic Gas hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - volcanic gases
Wildfires hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - wildfire
High winds hazard overviewInformationInformation leaflet - high wind / storm
NHP Hazard Infographic - Aero AllergensInfographicInformation graphic - aero allergens / hay fever / pollen
NHP Hazard infographic - air pollutionInfographicInformation graphic - air pollution
NHP Hazard infographic - avalancheInfographicInformation graphic - avalanche
NHP Hazard infographic - coastal floodingInfographicInformation graphic - coastal flooding
NHP Hazard infographic - droughtInfographicInformation graphic - drought
NHP Hazard infographic - earthquakeInfographicInformation graphic - seismic / earthquake
NHP Hazard infographic - extreme heat and coldInfographicInformation graphic - extreme temperatures including heatwaves and extreme cold
NHP Hazard infographic - fluvial floodingInfographicInformation graphic - fluvial or river flooding
NHP Hazard infographic - fogInfographicInformation graphic - fog
NHP Hazard infographic - groundwater floodingInfographicInformation graphic - groundwater flooding
NHP Hazard infographic - hailInfographicInformation graphic - hail storm
NHP Hazard infographic - iceInfographicInformation graphic - snow and ice
NHP Hazard infographic - landslidesInfographicInformation graphic - landslide
NHP Hazard infographic - lightningInfographicInformation graphic - lightning storm
NHP Hazard infographic - Near earth and space object re-entryInfographicInformation graphic - near earth objects and space object re-entry
NHP Hazard infographic - rainInfographicInformation graphic - rain storm
NHP Hazard infographic - snowInfographicInformation graphic - snow and ice
NHP Hazard infographic - space weatherInfographicInformation graphic - space weather / solar flares
NHP Hazard infographic - surface water floodingInfographicInformation graphic - surface water flooding (pluvial / flash flooding)
NHP Hazard infographic - tsunamiInfographicInformation graphic - tsunami
NHP Hazard infographic - volcanic ashInfographicInformation graphic - volcanic ash
NHP Hazard infographic - volcanic gasesInfographicInformation graphic - volcanic gases
NHP Hazard infographic - wildfiresInfographicInformation graphic - wildfires
NHP Hazard infographic - high windsInfographicInformation graphic - high wind / storm
Collected Natural Hazard InfographicsCollectionCollected natural hazard information graphics for download
Collected Natural Hazard OverviewsCollectionCollected natural hazard overview information leaflets for download
Collected Natural Hazard Science NotesCollectionCollected natural hazard detailed science notes for download
Collected documents for the Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model projectCollectionCollected Surface Water Flooding Hazard Impact Model documents for download. (pluvial / flash flooding)
Marine Geohazards (Marine Board)ReportMarine Geohazards: Safeguarding Society and the Blue Economy from a hidden threat (marine)European Marine Board (2021)